Attendance and Lateness Policy
Long-Term Absences
We highly recommend that any family vacations be scheduled during official school vacation times. Please refer to the official DOE calendar for vacation dates. This will ensure that the child is provided with every opportunity to achieve academic success.
If families are intending to take an extended vacation during school days, please notify the main office. The parent/guardian will need to provide a travel itinerary and return ticket to the main office. An extended vacation is three or more consecutive school days.
Students with less than 90% attendance are considered chronically absent (over 2 days a month). This may affect the student's promotion to the next grade level along with other academic criteria.
If the child is absent due to an illness a parent/guardian must bring in a medical note from the doctor. The child must be free of fever for 24 hours before coming back to school.
Students arriving after 8:10 am are considered LATE and must enter through the main entrance, accompanied by a parent/guardian with proper identification, and must sign-in at the main office.